I have been translating English, French and Spanish texts into German on a freelance basis for more than ten years now with a particular appreciation of language subtleties, technical details and musical overtones. As I have always taken great pleasure in studying my own language (German in the broader sense and the Alemannic dialect in the narrower sense) and have always been curious about other languages too (French, English, Italian at secondary school, Spanish at university, Arabic in evening classes, reading Portuguese or Dutch literature thanks to my knowledge of their Romance or Germanic sister languages, learning a few Greek words on holiday, listening to the Swiss dialects in my home surroundings and so on), it made sense to pursue this career path. However, I could not have achieved my goals without plenty of hard work and perseverance, not to mention a dose of good fortune.


Studies, sideline jobs & a passion for music

A solid base is key.

  • B.A. in International Communication and Translation (University of Hildesheim, Germany) – 2007
  • M.A. in International Technical Communication: Languages and Technology (University of Hildesheim, Germany) – 2009
  • Master thesis entitled "Technical collocations in the field of engine technology in German and Spanish"

Beyond the horizon.

  • Assistant at Presstrade (forging technology) – until 2011
  • Assistant at Bombardier Transportation (railway technology) – until 2015
  • Intercultural interpreter Spanish-German for Ausländerdienst Baselland (foreigners' service of the Swiss canton of Baselland) – since 2014
  • Order and Project Manager for the language service of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) – since 2015

Without music, life would be a mistake.

  • Saxophonist and clarinettist in wind band, quartet, big band, ...
  • Jazz singer in big band, duo, trio, ...

Periods abroad

Journeys into unknown worlds.

  • Language courses in Perugia (Italy), Tours (France) and Dublin (Ireland)
  • Erasmus scholarship in Soria (Spain)
  • Internship in the translation agency Albisa S.L. in Madrid (Spain)
  • Traineeship with the Directorate-General Translation of the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium)

Training courses & events

It is never too late to learn.

  • Methods of Translation and Localization of Websites (University of Valladolid, Spain) – 2005
  • SDL Trados (Albisa S.L., Spain) – 2007
  • Technical Documentation (University of Hildesheim, Germany) – 2009
  • Medical Engineering (University of Hildesheim, Germany) – 2008/9
  • Translation of Certificates (BDÜ, Germany) – 2011
  • Translation of Certificates (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2011
  • Basics of the Railway System (Bombardier, Switzerland) – 2012
  • Annual congress équivalences: "Multimodal Translation" (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2013
  • Public Services Interpreting (ZHAW, Switzerland) – 2014
  • across Translator's Academy (Freiburg, Germany) – 2014
  • World Congress of the International Federation of Translators FIT (Berlin, Germany) – 2014
  • Annual congress équivalences: "Translation and Technology "(ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2014
  • TriKonf 2015
  • Interpreting for Medical Evaluations (ald, Switzerland) – 2016
  • Self-protection: Working on the Track (SBB, Switzerland) – 2017
  • Annual congress équivalences: "Language professionals in the legal context" (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2017
  • The Fascination of Rail Operation (SBB, Switzerland) – 2017
  • Annual congress équivalences: "Translation and AI: Risk or Opportunity?" (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2018
  • Basic Certificate Revision (BDÜ, Germany) – 2019
  • Swiss Rail Academy: "Railway know-how passenger traffic" (SBB, Switzerland) – 2019
  • Introduction to Machine Translation and Post-editing (FTI/SBB, Switzerland) – 2020
  • Introduction to Psychiatric Syndromes (HEKS Linguadukt, Switzerland) – 2020
  • Translating into easy-to-read language (Leichte Sprache) (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2020
  • Annual congress équivalences: "Establishing an expert market position" (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2022
  • Variants of dementia; The endocrine system (1+2); Pathogens: viruses; The immune system (BDÜ, Germany) – 2023
  • Annual congress équivalences on the subject of security (ASTTI, Switzerland) – 2023
  • Medical terminology; Medical technology: MRT, fMRT, sonography (BDÜ, Germany) – 2024


Together we are strong.

ASTTI – Swiss Association for Translation, Terminology and Interpretation
BDÜ – German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators

Short profile.pdf